Cities for Better Health is a global public-private partnership committed to accelerating change in urban health across generations by building impactful local partnerships to drive health promotion and prevention.

Cities for Better Health takes a holistic view of health by prioritising prevention and promoting health equity. Creating healthy urban spaces is a shared responsibility.

Our ambition is to address the root causes of chronic diseases in a holistic way by bringing together motivated actors across sectors and disciplines.

At the core of our initiatives are the perspectives and experiences of communities. Understanding their daily lives and challenges to live healthily is key to generating lasting and effective impacts on the prevention of chronic diseases.

Committed to closing the health equity gap in cities, we focus on the health and well-being of vulnerable communities and children.

We strive to address barriers to health for disadvantaged communities and break the cycle of chronic diseases through early intervention and prevention of childhood obesity in vulnerable communities.

Not everyone can access fresh and affordable food or find safe places to walk and play. We address four core themes to drive health equity and enable citizens with the opportunity to make healthy choices:

Children are growing up in obesogenic urban environments, impacting their opportunities to lead healthy lives. With childhood obesity affecting 1 in 5 children, Cities for Better Health is initiating large-scale projects focused on early intervention and childhood obesity prevention.1 By collaborating to pilot and scale innovative, effective strategies for children in vulnerable urban communities, Cities for Better Health strives to drive health equity across the life course.

Learn more about our focus on childhood obesity prevention

Cities are challenged by a lack of access to affordable healthy foods and an overabundance of unhealthy foods, forming key drivers of chronic diseases. Cities for Better Health is working with partners worldwide to ensure that healthy foods are affordable and accessible for vulnerable populations and children.​

Learn more about our focus on access to healthy food

City residents often face barriers to safely move and play. Everyone should benefit from physically active and engaging lives, regardless of age, gender, ability or socio-economic status. Cities for Better Health is taking action to make green and active spaces more accessible and enjoyable and create better opportunities to be physically active, with a special focus on vulnerable populations and children.

Learn more about our focus on access to physical activity

With only a small proportion of public and private health budgets dedicated to prevention and health promotion, sustainable financing solutions are needed. Cities for Better Health is working with potential investors to find innovative funding strategies to ensure actions to reduce health inequity are financed in the long term.

Learn more about our focus on sustainable finance

The Healthy Cities Challenge is an open, global innovation challenge launched in partnership with C40. Our aim is to identify and support promising initiatives that work to shape urban environments in a way that supports the health and well-being of local communities.

These could be projects that create healthier food environments, urban planning that promotes physical activity and mental health, or other city-based initiatives that facilitate healthy living.

Learn more about our innovation challenge


World Health Organization (WHO). Factsheet: Obesity and overweight. Updated June 2021. Accessed February, 2022.